Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Great day today -

Let me first show you a photo of how my creative daughter (the almost five year old) topped her pizza today! She helped me "decorate" her pizza deciding to make a pepperoni face. She actually got out cooking scissors to cut up the pepperoni into eyelash shapes...she was going to add freckles too, but ate them first! She loves to make things, draw - anything artsy. I'll post some of her drawings in the next week.

It was a beautiful, sunny day today! For me that usually means eye-ball headaches. Anyone else get those? If I am not wearing dark sunglasses, it is likely that I will have an intense headache almost immediately that doesn't go away easily...but I love the sun anyway! I actually visited a friend and they allowed me to use their studio photography lights - I've only shot with natural light or an on-camera flash - Wow - what a difference indoors! It was fun! I have always been a sucker for outdoor photography in a natural setting - just chasing kids around, letting them do what they do best and catching them in the moment, but I enjoyed the change! I also shot RAW for the first time today. The quality was incredibly better than JPEG - may have to do some research on that!

Here are five things about me you may not know:
1. I was shot in a late night toilet papering incident in high school - thought I was dying, but it was only a pellet gun we discovered after calling 9-1-1
2. My hair was shorter than many guys hair in elementary school and people always were mistaking me for a boy. In fact I was Tom Sawyer in a play down in front of the state house in 5th grade.
3. I made a basket for the wrong team when I played basketball in 7th grade
4. In Ecuador on a missions trip, I stood in both the Northern and Southern hemisphere at the same time. Did you know the toilet flushes different directions in different hemispheres?
5. When I was little, one of my most favorite things to do was to catch my dad's pop flies in the back yard. He could throw them higher than anyone else and it was so challenging to try to catch every one!
Have a great day today! My challenge to you: Think of at least one thing to thank God for right now - and think of one compliment to give someone else right now (you can call or email if they aren't around).


mommy zabs said...

HAHA I knew 1 and 3 :) Props to history :)
That is great on the photography, all sounds very interesting.

i will compliment you. For never being one that fits in a box. for always becoming. for always stretching. for being the kind of person that can make you laugh your pants off, but still deep enough to open up to. You're great Anne.

Anonymous said...

I also remember #1 and #3! And I've seen pics of your hair from elementary school years...great memories...