Sunday, May 13, 2007

Journal Jars

Have you heard of them? That is what I am working on at 1:13 am on Mother's Day! :) Don't feel too bad for me - I did get to watch Grey's Anatomy on the computer while I was cutting. Anyway, I have been wanting to make these for the people in my family for some time now...I will post a photo another day when I am more finished. It is a jar or container of some type, filled with many questions...questions about the past, like:
  • What were some of your favorite places to go as a family when you were a child?
  • Describe a typical childhood Christmas morning.
  • Tell about your first vehicle - don't forget the price.
  • What food did you hate when you were a child? Do you still not like it as an adult?
Or the present:
  • Write a want ad for your spouse.
  • Describe the street you live on.
  • What is a typical day or week look like for you at this time?
  • How much does a dozen eggs cost? a loaf of bread? a gallon of milk?
Or the future:
  • When and how would you like to retire?
  • If you were able to donate time or money to help people, what would you choose to do?
I have well over a hundred that I have typed up and cut for all of the woman in my family. (I would be glad to email you a copy if you would like.) Anyway, you can decorate the jar however you like...then you can give a journal and a special pen. The recipient is to pick one paper out of the journal daily or weekly or whenever - then write about that topic in his/her journal. The purpose is to be reflective and more importantly, to have a lot of history and thoughts written down to pass on to others who love you...especially as a legacy. Yes - it is a little selfish to ask someone to do work, but in my opinion one of the greatest gifts is to have pieces of those I love...just like I love to share pieces of me.

photo of a journal jar
description of how to make one

Okay - off to star at my beautiful sleeping pray fervently for them...and to praise God for allowing me to have them for a time on earth:) Happy Mother's Day to all of you mommies out there!


Anonymous said...

Great idea! You are so creative, hope the women in your family appreciate & enjoy the gift. Enjoy your day with family...


Anonymous said...

You are so utterly creative! What a spectacular idea for Mother's Day! I LOVE it! I would LOVE an emailed already typed up list for me to just print and cut out without all the other work that you had to do!!! hee hee...what a fun "grandmother" gift when this new little one is born too...something for them to give him or her when they are older huh? I may just steal your i ALWAYS do anyway! ~colleen

heather76 said...

I came across your blog through MommyZabs and I think the journal jars are a fabulous idea. I would love to have a copy of the questions you used.