Sunday, September 16, 2007

These Three Qualities - Group Writing Project

MommyZabs is hosting a writing project! Her topic is "These three qualities make me a better..." (student, blogger, athlete, reader, mother, etc.) You can write three words or elaborate such as I have. She is offering a prize to one person and it is a great way to get more links to your blog. If you want to participate, go HERE.

These three qualities make me a better wife:
  1. Student
  2. Servant
  3. Christ-follower
There are plenty of other qualities that I could include - but I will stick with these three for my husband. In my opinion, every husband needs a wife with different qualities to help complement him. I chose these three because:

STUDENT - A student is any person who studies, investigates, or examines thoughtfully ( As a student, I am constantly learning. I am open to criticism and willing to learn from my own mistakes, from people around me. I seek advice. I want to learn to be a better wife - I want to work on this consistently. As long as I remember that I haven't obtained "perfect wifeness" and always have more to learn, I will also remain humble.

SERVANT - I want to lift my husband's needs above my own. I want to serve him and live unselfishly. Again - promoting humility and thinking of Him first.

CHRIST-FOLLOWER - Jesus Christ is the ultimate model of love. To love my husband fully and unconditionally, I need to be more like Christ and study His Character.

1 comment:

mommy zabs said...

What a wonderful list.
I love your new header too. The girls are so adorable. You available for fall family pics. email me you rates :)