Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Great thoughts...

How are you??? We are doing well - had a good week! Plan to post some pics tomorrow...
Yesterday I was buying a card for a friend and saw another card with following written on it:

Now to Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory…
Ephesians 3:20, 21

When you are the neediest,
He is the most sufficient.
When you are completely helpless,
He is the most helpful.
When you feel totally dependent,
He is absolutely dependable.
When you are the weakest,
He is the most able.
When you are the most alone,
He is intimately present.
When you feel you are the least,
He is the greatest.
When you feel the most useless,
He is preparing you.
When it is the darkest,
He is the only Light you need.
When you feel the least secure,
He is your Rock and Fortress.
When you are the most humble,
He is most gracious.

When you can’t, He can.

TRUST in that. Like the song says:
He is able more than able
To accomplish what concerns me today
He is able more than able
To handle anything that comes my way
He is able more than able
To do much more than I could ever dream
He is able more than able
To make me what He wants me to be.

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have over-come the world. John 16:33

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have an athiestic colleague at work who i have tremendous respect for. he is an anti-evangelical guy who thinks it is his mission to educate the world on jesus being not the son of god, but just a regular joe who had stuff atributed to him by history.

anyway, he told me once "tell me the sin against the holy spirit so i can commit it." far cry from the attitutde of the authors in the bible you quote or the card message. can you tell who might have more hope, love, enjoyment in the midst of life's trauma's. kind of like my odds with the trinity on this one...