Sunday, June 3, 2007

just talking

My poor baby (really she is almost three) got stung by a bee in her eye socket and on her temple - not her eyeball but right above it and next to it! She started to scream and grab her face. I thought she just got dirt in her eye and tried to get my husband to look at it - the bee was actually stuck to her and he had to rip it off. She was a trooper and only cried a few minutes. It is still swollen and it was 5 hours ago!

Katherine got stung on her hand when she was three and cried for at least 2 hours. I would post a picture, but I am cameraless today! Other than that, it was a good weekend. Graduation parties, Church, softball game, a little cleaning...and then a little messing up:) Can't complain.

1 comment:

mommy zabs said...

oh poor megan :( That must be awful. Poor thing.